LED is much appreciated, be it in eco-friendly electronics or on your clothes. It doesn’t matter, we just love to see it everywhere! LED clothing really isn’t anything new for we have seen the likes of glow fur coats, LED tops and brassieres. But so far, these clothes were seen to be the forte of techie geeks alone. However, thing will change now. The London based designer duo CuteCircuit has taken matter in their hands to create a spectacular Galaxy Dress.

Communication through lighting on a garment.

LumiGram is pioneering new fields of high tech fashion & design based on advanced luminous technologies.
LumiGram proposes high tech luminous clothes, light up fashion accessories and custom luminous decoration items based on woven fiber optics technology.
For all those who want to make the ultimate fashion statement with stylish and innovative clothing, for special events, for luxury decoration of Homes, Hotels, Retail outlets... LumiGram high tech fashion & decoration will light up your nights !
We can also develop and manufacture custom designs based on fiber optics fabrics, for all your projects in the field of fashion accessories, clothing (costumes, entertainement,...) or decoration.
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